Should you find yourself in one of these unfortunate, yet ever so common, situations, here is what you need to know. In Ontario, the Family Law Act states that the full value of the matrimonial home should be divided equally between you and your ex. It doesn’t matter whether one of you bought the home prior to your marriage, whether it was left to one of you in a will, or whether only one name is on the title. The only exception to this 50/50 split occur when a pre-nuptial agreement exists, or when the court finds unusual circumstances that make such a split unfair.
Selling the home to a third party is often the best scenario from both a financial and an emotional perspective. (Resentment can certainly build when one partner witnesses the other still living in the family home.) By the same token, it can be difficult for divorcing partners to sit down with a real estate agent and calmly discuss matters such as the listing price and negotiating tactics. A good agent will guide you through this process with minimal discomfort and help serve as an objective voice.
Whatever path you do choose, make every attempt to embrace
this chance to have a new beginning, and a happier home.
Marnie Bennett is the marketing consultant for Bennett Property Shop Realty, a full premium service real estate brokerage specializing
in marketing and selling new and resale homes, condominiums and investment real
estate. Marnie is the host of the weekly radio show the Real Estate Hour, a
millionaire real estate investor and a wealth management coach.